Spanish Springs Booster Club

The Spanish Springs Booster Club (SSBC) is looking for interested individuals to serve on the different Sub-Committees offered within the club. Your time and service will be greatly appreciated as a way to support student activities/clubs, athletics and academics. Take a look at the different sub-committees. If you should find one that interests you or if you would like additional information about it, please be sure to contact , the SSBC Booster President, or contact Jennifer Ritch, Assistant Principal at Spanish Springs High School at 424-7027.

Click below to see the current fundraisers:


Concession Committee

This committe is in charge of purchasing items to be sold at the concession stand, setting up, and having at least one person working the first shift who is familiar with the set up procedure and one person working the last shift who knows how to break down the stand and will be responsible for the cash box. Two signatures to record the beginning and ending balances. Have the cash box ready with the startup money and at the concession stand by the beginning of the first shift. Delivering all proceeds and bills to the Booster’s Treasurer. Recording volunteer’s names and the dates and times worked. Reporting on the concession stand at the monthly Booster Club meetings. Obligations include, but are not limited to, insuring that the concession stand is manned for all home games.

Merchandise/Apparel Committee

This committee is responsible for the selection of Spanish Springs High School merchandise and apparel. Additionally, this committee shall purchase inventory, stock and sell these items, with profits to the Spanish Springs High School Booster Club account. Lettermen’s Jacket ordering and processing will also fall under this committee. Approval by the Board of items intended to be purchased is required. When purchasing apparel, keep the selection to that of the official school colors of Purple & Silver.

Scholarship Committee

This committee shall recommend the number and amounts of annual Booster Club Scholarships as well as criteria for recipients.

Fundraiser Committee

This committe is responsible for the planning and implementation of activities to raise funds to support the school community at Spanish Springs High School. Submit a monthly list of all monies received and financial obligations in the pursuit of fundraising for approval of the Board. Ideas and/or past events: Quarter Auction, Santa Breakfast, Raffle Tickets/50/50, etc.

Safe and Sober Committee

This committee shall be responsible for planning and organizing a night of festivities for all graduating Spanish Springs High School students).


Hall of Fame/Alumni Committee

This committee will work with the High School Athletic Director and/or Assistant Principal to develop policies to determine and establish policies for admittance into the Hall of Fame. It shall organize and coordinate all Hall of Fame induction ceremonies. The committee shall keep accurate records of all athletic events and attempt to research the history of Spanish Springs High School athletics.

Activities (Clubs) and Athletic Liaison Committee

This committe is in charge of scheduling volunteers to work the concession stand. Responsibilities would include, scheduling shifts for Fall, Winter and Springs Sports Seasons, Regional and Non-Region Athletic Tournaments, ROTC events, Community Requests, SYFL Cheer, Youth Wrestling, etc. Communication with Coaches and Advisors in eliciting their help and support to gather parent volunteers. Three to four workers per shift are optimal but there should be a minimum of two workers. During tournaments or special events, there may be a need for additional volunteers). Have monthly liaison meetings or a system of communication for information to be dispersed.

Media Guide Committee

This committee shall work with the school or other entity in developing, implementing and submitting information for web publication for the benefit of the Booster Club. The committee shall be in charge of publicizing Booster related events throughout the year. Is responsible for using all media forms available to enlighten the community at large of the activities and its accomplishments of the Booster Club. Must obtain approval from the WCSD Communications Office, in order to distribute Booster information at local schools and throughout the community. Shall perform such other duties as may be necessary for the proper functioning of the committee.

School Program Support Committee

This committee is responsible for providing food/refreshments for events held at school, such as Open House, Teacher Appreciation, Awards Nights (Academic/Athletics), National Honor Society Appreciation Night, etc.). Scheduling of volunteers to help work the events.


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